
I'm Majed,
Full-Stack Developer

Passionate software developer dedicated to crafting innovative applications with a keen eye for detail and a flair for creative solutions. Enthusiastic about leveraging technology to create seamless user experiences and bring ideas to life through code.

A small selection of recent projects

I've been highly passionate about these projects, helping agencies and startups to take the next step forward.

Think. Design. Develop. Launch.

I'm a full-stack developer and designer based in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia specializing in building (and occasionally designing) exceptional websites, applications, and everything in between.


UI/UX Design

Designing user interfaces and user experiences for websites and web-apps.


Front-end Development (React, Next.js)

Building websites and web-apps with React and Next.js.


Back-end Development (Node.js, Express.js, Nest js, Spring Boot)

Building back-end with Node.js, Express.js, Nest js Spring Boot.


Mobile App Development (React Native, Expo)

Building mobile apps with React Native and Expo.


Database Management (MongoDB, MySQL, PostgreSQL, PlanetScale)

Managing databases with MongoDB, MySQL, PostgreSQL, PlanetScale.


Deployment Aws (S3, EC2, Lambda, Route 53, CloudFront, Amplify)

Deploying websites and web-apps with Aws S3, EC2, Lambda, Route 53, CloudFront, Amplify.